I am, therefore...

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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

"Lord of the Bling" ::spoilers::

We finally got a new ep of Veronica Mars! It was titled, of all things, "Lord of the Bling".

* Despite the cheesy title, it was a very good episode. The first scene may have been my favorite. It had Keith and Veronica, with her nagging and totally not being the daughter in the relationship, which is very fun to watch.
And it had Wallace, who I adore, with his new hair. Well, I guess its the same hair as before, but its a new hairstyle. Veronica was noticing the hair as well: "Resisting the urge to touch." "Yeah, well keep on resisting the urge." Hee! And then Bone comes in and -- honestly, is Keith Mars the only P.I. in Neptune? Not that I mind all these wealthy and/or famous people coming to him, but is it realistic? I don't know, maybe its his reputation that draws them in. But if that's the case, shouldn't the Mars family be doing a little better financially? Sorry. /tangent.
Anyway, Bone comes in and we find out that Veronica is lacking in a certain amount of "street cred". But then VMars makes a different connection from the one Wallace made: "So that's Yolanda's father."..."We used to be friends. A long time ago." And then the intro starts, 'a long time ago..' -- so great.

* Poor Logan. The "here's your costume" remark to his father held so much bitterness...and then, "there's no people like show people." I wonder how right Logan is about his father's behavior, and how much is genuine on Aaron's part.
Logan has an idealized view of his mother, I think. He sees her as long suffering, with his father in the role of the tormentor. To an extent this is true, but really, Lynn wasn't (isn't?) nearly perfect. Despite his bias in this, I'm inclined to go with Logan's take on things. Its clearer than his father's, in any case.

* "You stay in the car." "You watch your back. I mean that medically." Hee! More father-daughter interaction. Gotta say it- Veronica isn't much hipper than her dad sometimes.

* Ah, flashbacks. Lilly is fun, y'know? But not the nicest person in the world.
And omg, Yolanda was the girl Logan kissed at the party?! That makes the picture a little bit clearer.

* Bugging the hotel room. Way to take initiative, V! But, damn, Keith is gonna be pissed. Veronica is entertaining as a perky blond.

* Poor Logan (again). Fucking paparazzi. "We both wish we were better. But she's only dead because of you." And right in front of the cameras he says this. Damn. Jason Dohring really got the best lines in this one. He's perfect as Logan.

* More Wallace and Veronica: "I thought being a P.I. was about shooting dudes and making out with sexy widows." "Sexy widows?" Hee!

* Listening to Keith on the phone right after they met up with Yolanda's younger brother, I knew it was going to be a Romeo and Juliet thing. Romeo&Juliet = Benjamin&Yolanda. Congrats, you two:), even though we'll never see you again, and you'll be estranged from your parents forever...um, yeah.

* "I want you to find my mother." Damn! Is she alive? Or is it just Logan's wishful thinking?

* Next week looks to be an..uncomfortable episode. I hope they give us more regarding the continuing story arcs; Lilly, Lynn, etc.

also posted to _veronicamars_.


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