I am, therefore...

Moose bites, sociopolitical ponderings, and other quality programming.

Friday, February 25, 2005

Not quite 20 years, but...

I felt like Rip Van Winkle when I awoke this morning.

See, I went to bed very early last night, intending it to be just a nap. Instead I slept through 'til close to 7AM. I slept 12 hours, or so, straight through, and woke up with sunlight streaming through my window. Granted, I've been sleeping a lot this week because I'm kinda sick, but it was still rather disorienting.

Friday, February 11, 2005

I am Severus Snape.

You scored as Severus Snape. Well you're a tricky one aren't you? Nobody quite has you figured out and you'd probably prefer it stayed that way. That said you are a formidable force by anyone's reckoning, but there is certainly more to you than a frosty exterior and a bitter temper.

Severus Snape


Remus Lupin


Hermione Granger


Harry Potter


Albus Dumbledore


Draco Malfoy


Sirius Black


Ron Weasley


Ginny Weasley


Lord Voldemort


Your Harry Potter Alter Ego Is...?
created with QuizFarm.com

Also, CSIthoughts.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

Summations and Editorializations ::spoilers::

Once again, better late than never.

LOSTthoughts: "Homecoming".
I gotta say it- this is not my favorite episode. That said, it still caused me to squeal in an entirely undignified manner and chant 'nonono'. I now give you my train of thoughts...

- I already knew from the episode blurb that Claire had amnesia, so that bit didn't seem very exciting to me. And what the hell- Jack is this wonderful doc and all he does is dab at her forehead with a damp cloth?

- More CharlieFlashbacks..he could be a charmer when he wanted to be, huh? So adorable. But it makes it really heinous at the same time, knowing that he plans to screw these people over, and NOT in a good way.

- Fuck! Ethan with a sling this that hurls rocks and knocks poor ignorant Jin unconscious. Or something. It'll eventually come out that Sun can speak English, y'know? And won't that be interesting?

- "You're sure there's nothing going on." "Yes." Liar, liar, pants on fire! And then he goes and gets all worked up about Claire...calm down, Pace. Then there's another Flashback, and damn Charlie's a good actor. And because he's so adorable, its hard to suspect him of anything, y'know?

- Boone with a spear! hee!

- "I'm here to demonstrate the awesome speed of-" Ah! Ah! Mute! Mute! ::sigh of relief:: Those CharlieFlashbacks are hard to take.

- Five guns. It seems like Jack still doesn't trust Kate. I kinda think he's right not to, but it makes life much more stressful, I think. And its not just that he doesn't trust Kate, its that he trusts Sawyer more than her trusts her. what the hell? And they don't even address the fact that Jack is probably the least capable of the five.

- Fuck! Charlie! WTF did you do?! Well, I know what you did, but...! Okay, so "he deserved to die". But maybe it wasn't entirely your desire to protect Claire that drove you to kill him. Maybe it had something to do with Ethan hanging you. Maybe you still have some issues there, hm?

- Shannon and Sayid. Jeeze.

- "I remember peanut butter. Why do I remember peanut butter." "It was imaginary peanut butter." I remember the imaginary peanut butter, too. It was the quintessential Charlie/Claire moment, with sweetandadorableness in abundance.
How much of Charlie's attraction to Claire is him thinking she needs help, needs him? hm.

- Next Week: omg! "I've never been in love." "I've never had a one night stand." jeese. This should be interesting.

AliasThoughts: "Nocturne"
This was an excellent episode. Truly. I loved it.
* First, Hockey. I'm flashing back to seasons past, man. And he says, "I know you want t take it slow, but what are you afraid of?" And I'm thinking, dude, she invited you to stay the night, but you were already asleep. And then the cell phones interrupt. As usual.

* Sydney and Jack silently searching. Syd finds this hidden door in a cabinet, or something, and she doesn't say, hey, Dad, come look at this? And there are weird drawings and stuff on the wall...creepy. Youngest Brother and I were just waiting for something to happen. And, sure enough, this guy bites her in the neck and then bleeds all over her. Ew.

* "You think its sexy." "Only if I did it." Do you like to mark your women, Vaughn? Do you often leave love bites that necessitate turtlenecks and scarves? hm?

* "Am I staying the night?" "No." "She almost said yes, did you see?" I love Nadia and Weiss together.
But I have this thing- Nadia and Kate (from LOST) kinda fall into the same category with me. Like, I don't know how much of what we see of them is genuine and how much is part of a persona. I like both characters, usually, but I don't entirely trust them. /random speculation.

* Sloan is such an asshole. Dixon is right about Sydney. He knows her at least as well as anyone does, I think. And don't forget that he was in charge of the other CIA thing before. Dixon doesn't get enough credit.

* Quite a getup there, Syd. I especially like the corset;) I don't think Jack blends in so well, though.
Then there's the guy, and they shoot their guns, and why do they never have silencers? Its so indiscreet.

* "I will only say that if you don't cooperate with us you will regret it for the rest of your life." I love Jack. He is so incredibly awesome and badass.

* Meanwhile, Sydney is hallucinating more and more. Creepy stuff, increasingly almost-real-life stuff. All of her fears, insecurities, suspicions are magnified and are manifesting themselves in her hallucinations. And poor Spy!Daddy is there, thinking clearly despite his fear for his daughter...and thank goodness, cause otherwise Syd probably would have shot both Jack and Michael. But of course that doesn't happen, cuz they're main characters.

* Dixon is so great. Sloane says, "You were right", and Dixon comes back at him with a 'well tell me how you really feel' speech in which he calls Sloane toxic and evil and etc. He says things that you know Syd is thinking, about how they can't ever be sure of Sloane- his loyalties, his motives. And when this is finally revealed, Dixon says, "I'll be there. I'll be waiting." Awright! Dixon rocks!

* End of Ep: Syd is in the hospital, tries to apologize, or something, for what she said to Vaughn in the alley, but he brushes it off. "You weren't yourself." Not herself?! But you see the reservation, the doubt on her face. You know that she knows that it can't be attributed entirely to the drug. This introduces a new insidious something to her life...I wonder what kind of long-term impact it may have on Sydney. Could be interesting.

* The episode was in memory of Tricia K. Goken, who had been a script supervisor on Alias for four years, before she moved to Maryland to be with her fiance. They both died in a car accident January 29th.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

"Lord of the Bling" ::spoilers::

We finally got a new ep of Veronica Mars! It was titled, of all things, "Lord of the Bling".

* Despite the cheesy title, it was a very good episode. The first scene may have been my favorite. It had Keith and Veronica, with her nagging and totally not being the daughter in the relationship, which is very fun to watch.
And it had Wallace, who I adore, with his new hair. Well, I guess its the same hair as before, but its a new hairstyle. Veronica was noticing the hair as well: "Resisting the urge to touch." "Yeah, well keep on resisting the urge." Hee! And then Bone comes in and -- honestly, is Keith Mars the only P.I. in Neptune? Not that I mind all these wealthy and/or famous people coming to him, but is it realistic? I don't know, maybe its his reputation that draws them in. But if that's the case, shouldn't the Mars family be doing a little better financially? Sorry. /tangent.
Anyway, Bone comes in and we find out that Veronica is lacking in a certain amount of "street cred". But then VMars makes a different connection from the one Wallace made: "So that's Yolanda's father."..."We used to be friends. A long time ago." And then the intro starts, 'a long time ago..' -- so great.

* Poor Logan. The "here's your costume" remark to his father held so much bitterness...and then, "there's no people like show people." I wonder how right Logan is about his father's behavior, and how much is genuine on Aaron's part.
Logan has an idealized view of his mother, I think. He sees her as long suffering, with his father in the role of the tormentor. To an extent this is true, but really, Lynn wasn't (isn't?) nearly perfect. Despite his bias in this, I'm inclined to go with Logan's take on things. Its clearer than his father's, in any case.

* "You stay in the car." "You watch your back. I mean that medically." Hee! More father-daughter interaction. Gotta say it- Veronica isn't much hipper than her dad sometimes.

* Ah, flashbacks. Lilly is fun, y'know? But not the nicest person in the world.
And omg, Yolanda was the girl Logan kissed at the party?! That makes the picture a little bit clearer.

* Bugging the hotel room. Way to take initiative, V! But, damn, Keith is gonna be pissed. Veronica is entertaining as a perky blond.

* Poor Logan (again). Fucking paparazzi. "We both wish we were better. But she's only dead because of you." And right in front of the cameras he says this. Damn. Jason Dohring really got the best lines in this one. He's perfect as Logan.

* More Wallace and Veronica: "I thought being a P.I. was about shooting dudes and making out with sexy widows." "Sexy widows?" Hee!

* Listening to Keith on the phone right after they met up with Yolanda's younger brother, I knew it was going to be a Romeo and Juliet thing. Romeo&Juliet = Benjamin&Yolanda. Congrats, you two:), even though we'll never see you again, and you'll be estranged from your parents forever...um, yeah.

* "I want you to find my mother." Damn! Is she alive? Or is it just Logan's wishful thinking?

* Next week looks to be an..uncomfortable episode. I hope they give us more regarding the continuing story arcs; Lilly, Lynn, etc.

also posted to _veronicamars_.

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

I love ya! tomorrow!

XXXX = Next Year

Because there's always next year.

Sunday, February 06, 2005
