LOST Thoughts ::Spoilers for "Confidence Man"::
Gods, but I love LOST. Tonight's ep was interesting, but next week's looks to be better. My family was around while I was watching tonight, so I had to explain a bit to my mother and step-father. And the now-19-year-old had to be told to shut up, cause he was dissing my show.
My thoughts on "Confidence Man". In a disjointed fashion.
* Sawyer is hot. SO hot. I think that's the main point here. He can be a bastard, but there's a reason they keep showing him with his shirt off. See evidence:

(by lj user coppala)
Am I drooling? Maybe a little. Okay, maybe a lot.
* Kate is always put in a tough spot. She seems to have this thing for Jack, but there is, as Sawyer says, a connection between her and Sawyer. Whose real name I would like to know.
* Sayid is so cool. We already know a bit about him, but he hasn't gotten his own flashback ep yet. Looks like that'll be next week. He just...he's done some bad things in his life. He knows it, and regrets it. The fact that he can be an evil badass, but is usually a fairly levelheaded, good guy, just makes him wonderful.
* It seems like Kate and Sayid have the strongest relationship, excepting the Siblings. And when I say 'relationship' I don't mean in a shipper way. I mean that they really do seem to be friends, regardless of how little they may know about each other. Like I think I said before, they have an obvious kinship that I love.
* The Kiss was hot. There were two extremely-nice-to-look-at people, and Sawyer's tongue. And yet, the entire time I was thinking, 'This is fucked up. How far is Kate going to take this? What is she thinking? Is it a really good kiss, cuz it looks like a really good kiss. Both parties seem to be enjoying it. But then, he's used to seducing wives, isn't he. Does he honestly have a thing for Kate, or is he just being a manipulative bastard and trying to undermine (even more) her..thing with Jack? Do I care right now?' And then I attempted to not drool.
* Jack can't watch torture. It's partly a doctor thing, I think. You know, 'First do no harm'. Hey, if you can't stomach it, don't watch.
* The Siblings. Aka, Shannon and Boone. They have a standard sibling relationship; mostly vicious bickering, but definite love and caring. "Boone- don't leave me alone." And he didn't. And the twisted incest fans rejoiced.
* Asthma treatments: First, the Jedi moment. Hee! That's why Hurley is fun. Then, the inhalers are still missing, but Sun is a eucalyptus-wielding demigoddess, so its all good. Except Jin doesn't want her to be a demigoddess.
* Charlie reached new heights of cuteness this week. We finally saw Clair again, she brings out the fluffysweetness in Charlie. "Extra creamy" indeed.
* Sawyer is both as bad as he seems, and not. He does have lines that he will not cross. Anyone who refuses to hurt a child can't be all bad. And he has the intelligence (and conscience) to realize the irony that is his life. Its kinda painful to think about. Yes, I do know its just a tv show. Shut up.
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