Frickin' J.J. Abrams and company (LOSTThoughts)
They did it again. They keep making me scream. And this ep, it was multiple times. Warning: Spoilers Ahead.
The title alone is great: "All the Best Cowboys Have Daddy Issues". Are they calling Jack a cowboy? Cuz I just don't look at him that way. But damn, he does have Issues. This is a second ep with jackflashbacks, but we still haven't had any with Hurley, the siblings, Walt and Michael. Though this ep did drop some more tidbits about them.
* We saw a lot of Walt this ep. He's got serious daddy issues, too. We all know he has problems with his father, but why is Walt with Michael? It sounds like he was living with his mother and Brian before. Did Brian die as well? Or were there custody issues? It has made me curious. It always pains me to see the difficulties the two have being father and son. Michael loves him, but you can't be a good father overnight.
Hurley and Walt playing backgammon was great. Well, Hurley was great, as he always is. 17th in a tournament? For what, the state, the country, the world? We know very little about Hurley, and this has made me more curious about him, as well. "You owe me $20,000!" "You'll get it." hm.
Sawyer and Walt. It was weird to see them standing next to each other, having a conversation. Then there was the Significant bit: "It's stupid to lie about your name." And, of course, we don't know what Sawyer's given name was/is.
* Then there was the conversation between Sayid and Sawyer. For a minute neither Sayid nor the audience knew quite what Sawyer was going to do. It was fine, though. Does Sawyer believe Sayid? I dunno. It felt like the two men reached a sort of understanding. Maybe that's not the word. But it felt like a sort of ceasefire to me.
* Boone and Locke together. Best line: "Box company? .. Yeah right." Hee!
But Boone's mother (and therefore, we assume, Shannon's) is the "Martha Stewart of matrimony". Hm. I wonder, does he have "mommy Issues"?
Locke was talking to Boone as if they were going to be rescued. Rescued soon enough to go back to their jobs. Yet I doubt either one of them really believes that, even if they are trying to hold on to hope.
Also: "Did they teach you how to predict the weather at the box company!!" Locke is messed up, but very cool.
* Something "real" from Kate? She had a cool little mini-monologue there. But is it actually true? We still don't actually know anything about Kate. Well, not solid facts, at any rate.
* Dude, Jack got his ass kicked.
* Charlie! Ohgod, he's hanging...I know they aren't allowed to kill Charlie, Dom has too big a fan base. I wrong? NO, he can't be dead. This is LOST, remember? Weird shit happens. Jack looks like he's beating him...gasphesalive. That's something, at least.
* But where is Clair?! We heard her screaming (she's very good at that)...they can't kill Clair, Charlie "likes" her too much. And the baby! They can't kill the baby, either. The poor baby. ohgodohgodohgod.
-- ooh, Alias promo. The new season looks hot. And fun. January 5th, people! eeeee! two-hour season premiere:) And a..Stetson Cologne for Men commercial. How interesting. --
* Poor Charlie! Hasn't spoken? Wait, he's talking now. Doesn't remember anything. Was he unconscious? Someone was dragged, it was probably Charlie. But he remembers something.. "All they wanted was Clair." wtf?! They? Who's "they"? Did they want the baby? Did the psychic see *this* coming?! Ack!
* Back to the searchers: steel? Okay, my first thought was that it was some sort of manhole cover, a hatch, if you will. But it isn't. Wha- you can't end it there! You can't! ::screams::
They're re-airing the pilot next week? ::screams again:: We probably have to wait until January to see the next new ep. See the details you didn't notice before, they tell us. Find clues about the island, the characters, etc. What do they think we've been doing for the past few months? Ack!
Speculation, etc: So Locke and Boone are investigating the metal thing. Is it related to Danielle? And her power supply? Maybe they'll find Clair. And the people holding her. Unless they only want the baby, who is due to be born any day now. Then..I don't know. But really, did the psychic see this coming? I think in trying to change the future he may have secured it. Maybe the child will be brought up by these crazy people, away from Clair's goodness, just as he feared. Dammit. This is driving me crazy. Who are "They", and what the fuck do they want?! It occurs to me that perhaps there never was a dummy trail, that there were, in fact, two trails; one left by Ethan with Charlie, one left by whoever has Clair. Do the others know that they're being followed? It doesn't seem like it, but I'm still nervous. Jack should listen to Locke more. But if he had, then Charlie would be dead, so...damn complicated plots. Gonna make me insane. Gods, I love this show.
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